Prepare travel photography

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Why Prepare travel photography When Prepare travel photography, once you have decided which equipment to bring with you, there are various other things you can do at home before leaving. If taking pictures will be a priority, plan your trips keeping in mind your goals. So the time spent researching the goal, preparing to deal … Read more

Travel photography basic aspect

Woman dry Saree, Gokarna Beach,India 2018

In travel photography beautiful photos are not take in the fraction of a second it takes to press the shutter button. So they are moments in time created by photographers who know how to see, select and organize the elements before them. In this way, they create visually coherent and unique compositions. To achieve this, … Read more

About Travel photography jobs

Boats, Srinagar, Kashmir

The travel photography jobs for many is a dream and for few is a reality come through. But today still exist those figures who is paid to travel and take photos? Maybe sounds like an amazing life being able to travel, take pictures and get paid for it. But the reality is very different and … Read more

The Light in photography

Travel photography, Camel Fair Festival, Rajasthan

The Light in photography Sometimes the narrative about the equipment is too much. At the end of the day, does not count how many lenses you have or what quality they are, but other aspect are more important. Indeed one of them is the light, a key component when you shoot. Even in the literal … Read more

Exposure in photography

A photo must not be excessively dark (underexposed) or excessively light (overexposed) but must just have a correct Exposure The Basics of Photography Whether you’ve got as new or old camera, digital or analog, the basic principles of photography are the same. A photo must not be excessively dark (underexposed) or excessively light (overexposed) but … Read more


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