Photos of Dunes that inspire you

Walk alone, Gobi Desert, Mongolia 2010

Photos of Dunes Landscape is the most popular subject among travel photographers, perhaps because at first glance it seems the simplest type of photography. In reality, photograph the dunes requires important technical knowledge and a lot of effort to bring about appreciable results. Also you need a good motivation and inspiration. I hope to help … Read more

Josef Hoflehner a master photographer

Josef Hoflehner

Josef Hoflehner was born in Austria in 1955 and has been a professional photographer for more than 30 years. Beginning to photograph as a profession that led him to deal mainly with interior photography. However, in the nineties, he intensified his personal works and for about ten years he has been dealing exclusively with fine-art … Read more

Edward Burtynsky, the anthropocene photographer

Edward Burtynsky

Edward Burtynsky Edward Burtynsky is a Canadian photographer and artist. He is internationally recognized for his large-format photographs of industrial and environment landscapes. Even he is not well known in Europe, his conceptual rigor has made him one of the most appreciated photographers at the present time on the American scene. His work falls within … Read more

Travel photography as Therapy

Travel photography as Therapy Wherever you choose to go, the photographic journey is in fact a true form of therapy. In fact, it is able to get back in touch with his own self, to enrich his emotional baggage and to unload from negative energies. Travel Therapy and photography Today Travel therapy is considered the … Read more

Find Photography Inspiration


Find Photography Inspiration Find photography inspiration is a fundamental thing.Without it is really difficult to create photos or more generically art. However, there are times when inspiration is completely lacking, but there are some ways to create it. Often you don’t notice that inspiration is in everything around you and closer than you think. So … Read more


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