Photograph Agra, a simple guide

Photograph Agra

Agra is in fact synonymous with one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World: the Taj Mahal. If this city of 1.4 million inhabitants in the Uttar Pradesh region is so famous, it owes it to its imposing Taj Mahal. However beyond this monument there is much more to photograph.

Before arrive

Before arrive to photograph Agra get sure to be prepare to affront this huge city. The city is big and chaotic and not easy to dealing with, especially if you are first timer. So find what you want really shooting at is fundamental. Usually my first step is to look a map of the town and how many itinerary choice i have to make. What kind of subject i want to shooting, what story I want to tell. So to be prepare i start to read about history, culture and contemporary issues. Also I will take some information about rules and social behavior. Then i will search for works made by greater photographers. Indeed from them you will be learning a lot of things. Take notes and made a checklist. Finally, be sure you have the right traveling photography equipment.

Location to Photograph in Agra

There are many location to shoot in Agra, I just write below someone which you don’t want miss. Remember to plan well the journey, because the city is chaotic with traffic and many tourist that coming each day.

The red Fort

The Red Fort is located near the gardens of the Taj Mahal and was built in xvi centuries. Made of red sandstone, Agra Fort has walls that surround for at least two kilometers and beyond. Inside there are many splendid buildings such as the Jahangir Palace and the Khas Palace. . There are also a couple of magnificent mosques on site that are worth to capture.

Photograph Agra

The Red Fort is an ode to the rich Mughal heritage. Located on the right bank of the Yamuna River, this fort and the Taj form a unity of monuments. Both structures complement each other since they are located in the same vicinity. You can enter the fort through the Delhi or Amar Singh gates. The largest entrance is the first. As you enter the fort through the Delhi gate, you approach the internal portal. Also called Hathi Pol this entrance is magnificent. Inside the tower you will be amazed by the Muhammam Burj which is an octagonal spire. The Shish Mahal is in this complex where you can see some splendid reception rooms. The complex is beautifully built and sumptuous

Taj mahal

Get early in the morning to avoid tourist and enjoy the best hour time to capture this amazing monument. It is one of the best known structures on Earth and is arguably the most identifiable monument associated with India. Visiting the Taj Mahal and photographing it in person will convince you that all the attention and notoriety are deserved.

Photograph Agra

There is no such thing in scale or quality. I recommend visiting other Mughal tombs before visiting the Taj, such as Humayun’s tomb in Delhi or the nearby Little Taj in Agra. In fact, you will appreciate much more how magnificent it is.

Methab Bath

These gardens are on the other side of the Yumun River. Excellent location to photograph the Taj Mahal with another perspective. To be captured in addition to the famous monument is local life that takes place on the banks of the river. A really great spot at the sunrise and before enter to the Taj Mahal.

Fatehpur Sikri

Built by Akbar, the Mughal emperor in 1570, the city was a tribute to the Sufi saint. Fatehpur Sikri is a perfect blend of Indian, Islamic and Persian architecture and was built using red sandstone. For about 10 years, the city remained the capital of the Mughal Empire. The city has a 6km long wall on three sides and there are towers and gates. It houses some of the city’s important buildings, including Buland Darwaza, Birbal’s House, Panch Mahal and Jama Masjid. The entire city along with all the important buildings including the royal palaces, Jama Masjid and the courts were declared a World Heritage Site in 1986.

Photograph Fatehpur

Best Time to Photograph Agra : 

The best time to visit Agra, like Delhi, is during the cooler, dry months from October to March. January and February can be cold. However, it’s important to be aware that severe air pollution is a concerning factor at this time. Is too hot in the summer, with temperatures consistently exceeding 40 degrees until coming the monsoon to calm down. It arrive between June and October, but when it isn’t raining the humidity is uncomfortably high and the temperature still reaches 35 degrees.

Getting Agra

The city of Taj, Agra, has its own airport that is around 7 km from the city center. Various Airlines operate flights to Agra during season time. Also There is a good network of trains connecting Agra with the rest of the country. Apart from the main railway station of Agra Cantonment, there are other two stations also, that of Raja-ki-Mandi and Agra Fort. The main trains connecting Agra with Delhi are Palace on Wheels, Shatabdi, Rajdhani, Gatimaan and Taj Express. For train detail visit this site.

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Photograph Agra

How get around

There are countless ways to explore Agra , but the walkability is usually the big concern. Agra is very chaotic, large and spread out. Something that doesn’t look that far on a map can easily end up taking an hour in transportation. Meanwhile walking on foot everywhere can leave you on empty streets for even longer. The city has also a heavy traffic and can be a mess in rush hour. Better know a little bit how get around in the city.

Hire a private car

The most comfortable method to photography Agra is take a private air conditioner car with an experienced driver. However this is one of the most expensive forms of travel in the city. Anyway is not really expensive compared to western country and also is safe. You can rent from many travel agencies in the city or can just ask for it in your hotel .

The Auto Rickshaw

More fast then a private car or taxi. Is essentially a three-wheeled taxi cab, with open sides. They are a fantastic way to make short trips, as these little motors can weave in and out of traffic. Also are cheap and often you have to bargain.

Advice to first timer

Avoid the Delhi belly

Be careful when come to eat and drink in Agra where there are issues around clean water and food hygiene. However don’t panic. Take these few simple precautions and your trip to Delhi will be full of amazing food and memories.

  • Eat at busy spots full of locals, because the food is usually delicious and fresh.
  • Give your gut a pro-biotic boost
  • Heat kills germs, so choose hot food.
  • Embrace street food, but ask your leader for recommendations.
  • Drink without ice
  • Beware of buffets, the dishes can be left unrefrigerated for too long.
  • Avoid salad as it’s usually rinsed in tap water.
  • Don’t eat cut fruit. Instead, purchase fruit with a peel (like oranges or bananas and peel it yourself.
  • Avoid Western food. It may not be as good quality as local food.
  • Try not to overeat, particularly at the start. Your body needs time to adjust!

Stay safe

Is the most unsafe city in India for women, they say. So take some precautions, such as not going out alone after dark, especially if you’re a female. Is common in India for women to receive unwanted attention from men in tourist areas. So women will feel most comfortable wearing loose clothing that covers their shoulders and legs. A shawl that covers the breasts is also beneficial. In some tourist area happen tourist scam, are widespread in Delhi, particularly overcharging and commission rackets. Read up beforehand to be aware and prepare yourself. 

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